Privacy Policy

4C / Robson Print Ltd will not sell, rent or otherwise disclose any of your personal information, including your email address, to any third party.

Collection And Use Of Information

4C will collect personally identifiable information when you use our service:

What we collect

Full name

Company details (if applicable)

Email address


Telephone / fax numbers

Credit card type

Credit card number

Credit card expiry date

For transmitting your personal information to us, we use a secure server with a 128-bit SSL certificate that encrypts all of your personal information.

How we use your information

To check that a credit card is valid

To pay your account

To communicate with you on matters related to our service

To provide you with order and billing history information

If you would prefer not to receive information about our products and services, you can contact us at any time to be removed from our mailing lists.

If you wish to see our GDPR policy please contact us at

4C For Charity is the trading name of Robson Print Ltd

Registered Office: 11-12 The Courtyard, St. Mary’s Chare, Hexham, Northumberland NE46 1NH

Contact Us

0333 88 00 445

Mailing List

If you would like to receive a catalogue please get in touch.

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